The 21st Century Classroom

During my tech leadership class on January 13th, we had an in-depth conversation on what a 21st century classroom should look like. Below are some of the ideas that we touched upon during our discussion.

We first discussed the implementation of Smart boards, tablets, laptops and cell phones into the classroom but then we dug deeper.  We discussed that a classroom that fosters collaboration is essential in the 21st century. This means having moveable desks, tables and chairs that quickly allow for students to break off into small groups, which is perfect for discussion or group work. This type of furniture also allows for rearrangement of the classroom based on whatever set up may be need. For example, chairs can be moved to make a horseshoe or large circle for whole class discussions or pushed to the side to allow more room for DPA in the classroom.

Whiteboard walls is another idea that can create a physical place to collaborate. At the beginning of the year, the boards would be all white but as time progresses and ideas and questions arise they can be written on the wall for discussion and thought. Items such as articles or research can be posted on the whiteboards, adding colour and displaying student work.

Another important element of a 21st century classroom is wired sound, i.e Front Row audio system. Front Row helps to save the teachers voice, while distributing the sound evenly throughout the class, allowing all students to properly hear the teacher. Wired sound also offers the opportunity to play music in the classroom, which can be used to help set a relaxing mood. For more information on Front Row check out this site

The 21st century classroom should also have as much wireless technology as possible, i.e. wireless Internet, Bluetooth, etc. This not only makes life convenient but also eliminates safety hazards, such as tripping over extension cords.

We also talked about the availability of outlets in the classroom. We have all been in a situation when you are typing away on your computer or doing research for a group project and your computer dies but there are no outlets for you to plug your computer in. Inconvenient outlets can also become a safety hazard. In a 21st century classroom outlets should be flush with the ground and available all throughout the classroom.

As I said earlier, these are only a few of the physical aspects that a 21st century classroom could have. The possibilities are truly endless! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've created a very clear and simple vision of what the 21st century classroom should look like. Having a realistic and authentic vision is key to ensuring that it becomes a reality.